Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: An Anti-Greed and Anti-Prosperity Gospel.


Jesus modeled a very significant prayer which as of this day we are all benefiting.

He says this in the sermon on the Mount, (Matthew 6:5-14). And once again when being asked by his disciples on how to pray (Luke 11:1-4). I have so much to say commenting in the Lord’s prayer, but I would like to emphasize the phrase on that prayer where we could all learn and glean to, for people like us who had an everyday need. The phrase in the Lord’s prayer when Jesus said in Matthew 6:11, Give us this day our daily bread.” [ESV]

And in Luke 11:3 “Give us each day our daily bread.” [HCSB]

What does Jesus really teaching us when he said this prayer about asking God to meet our needs in a daily basis? I’ve been reminded by a speaker when he said ask God for more, and eventually quoted something strange in my ears to hear, (though this is not what he clearly stated it, but most likely he was referring to). Not to ask God for daily bread, but for more.

Apparently, we are all vulnerable to error. That speaker’s quoted words which may lead in preaching a prosperity gospel and the desires of our hearts to have this and that which leads to greed are the things that somehow the Lord sought in us. Though Jesus, as a 100% God at the same time a 100% man, truly knew and understood our nature and our weaknesses yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Formidably, as a High Priest he provides this phrase in the Lord’s prayer that teaches us in dependence and trust to God; in matters of meeting our needs in our everyday lives. Either in material, financial or strength, God enables us through Him who gives us the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). Especially, in our greatest need which is spiritual, to get our hearts right before God (Romans 8:31-35).

Lastly, the “Gives us this day our daily bread” is not only a prayer that teaches us to ask God to meet our daily needs, it also shows us contentment. It is an anti-biotic to greed and prosperity gospel. When we come to God asking Him for something, we don’t come by our own terms as a child to influence his father, though possible to earthly fathers, but not to God as Heavenly Father. His terms should influence us, and to align our hearts to His will. This is all possible by reading, meditating and applying His words, the Bible.

Just as the writer of Hebrews reminds us in Hebrews 13:5, “Your life should be free from the love of money. Be satisfied with what you have, for He Himself has said, I will never leave or forsake you.”

God bless!