What Really Happens When We Let Go and Let God?

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It is one of the famous quotations among Christian circles, and today, it has been a cliché’ in terms of many various aspects on a life of a Christian. It is when you say, “Let go and let God.”

Sometimes or most, it really made me think of what is this all about, when you say “Let Go and Let God?” Is this a sort of surrender of something truly valuable? An old habits that needs to break, a relationship that needs to let go, or persuasion of a wish or something you wanted to happen, that you are kept on holding into, that somehow you needed to let go, and let God?

What really happens when we say let go and let God? Though hurting or grieving by a decision, are we really at peace when we do so? Is there a bargaining happening first, or justification of oneself that it doesn’t need this way? Or shall I say, are we only trying to convince and telling ourselves to let go and let God as a consolation.

What are we really presenting, when we say, I’ll let go and I’ll let God this time. Is it moment of deciding whom to trust, like we are not really trusting God on that matter, and now, I’ll let God do his work? I might say we are not going to have that total appreciation of trusting God, until we never see our own persistence as our hands dealt on a matter when we are too focused in desiring something to have, or something to happen.

While dealing with this questions, it’s truly comforting when the Bible tells me through the Apostle Paul who encourages us in Romans 12:1-2 when he say, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

In other translation it says “In view of God’s mercy” when we say let go, are the moment seeing the mercy of God in our lives when dealing to a hard decision, a habit that needs to break causing to defilement our own body or a relationship that doesn’t honor the marriage bed – even the Lord or something else that falls to our conviction which doesn’t feels right anymore. How big is the word sacrifice to us when deciding to let go of something we held so dear, what is our realization when we say holy and acceptable letting God on that matter, and being dependent on Him that leads us in worship.

Are we still conforming to our own patterns and to the culture when it’s easily to get jealous to others when they’re being prospered, when posting in social media about successes, getting into relationship or marriage, or having kids or children. These are examples of the moment, though how little they are, can lead us to start questioning God and suddenly, we start comparing our life to others. Or are we renewing our minds, when delicately learning to know God more and more, which gives us the discernment and enable us to test our own judgement through His word that flourishes us whether in season or out of season. Knowing we are under His grace and still being fascinated on how good, acceptable and perfect His will in our lives. I am not an expert, and I say all these things as I keep learning in such ways.

I guess, what really happens when we let go and let God is when we start trusting Him with all our heart to whatever areas in our lives and stop leaning to our own understanding and desires. Just as the Proverbial writing of King Solomon.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 [ESV]

Trusting God with all our heart doesn’t lead us to nowhere, but it directs us to Jesus, when we acknowledged him in all our ways, the only way where to straighten our paths is when we deny ourselves, carry our cross and follow Him. It all starts with God and for God.